You know those little flappy lids you get on power hubs on conference tables? The lids on the good ones have dampers that make sure the CEO’s flow of consciousness is not interrupted by the sound of you discreetly disconnecting your laptop. They have to be small hinges and its devilishly hard to squeeze a damper in there too. Sugatsune’s solution is to combine a tiny rotary damper and hinge in one unit: the HG-JHM11.

The main hinge unit is surface mounted whilst the bracket is either fitted in to a machined recess or surface mounted with the optional UKZ11-BL bracket. There is a cover to smarten up the appearance in either black or white.
Power hubs for conference tables are of course only the beginning. A damped flap can cover connectivity options in any office or workshop, a clean look is often preferred by designers these days and who really wants to look at a electrical interfaces when they’re not in use? Controls for machines often benefit from having a flap to prevent accidental changes and to keep dust and detritus away and inspection hatches are better behaved with a damper. Machines that are used in proximity to a patient or customer such as medical or beauty equipment are less alarming if everything about them is quiet and controlled.
Quiet and controlled are watchwords for Sugatsune’s ‘Motion Design Tec’ philosophy where hydraulic dampers, springs and smart mechanisms are used to control motion.

The HG-JHM11 is part of a range of damped hinges with similar functions. The smallest is the HG-JHM9 with a torque rating of 0.275 – 0.88 kgf-cm for very small flaps up to the HG-JHM20 which has a substantial 88 kgf-cm torque.

Sugatsune perfected the miniature hydraulic damper when it first introduced damped furniture stays more than thirty years ago. They have an unblemished service record, not just reliable but remaining within their stated tolerances throughout their service life.
Along with a wider range of industrial damped hinges Sugatsune has a remarkable selection of torque hinges in their extensive catalogue. If you don’t have a catalogue, it’s highly recommended, sometimes just seeing a product can suggest new ideas or solve old problems. Ring Customer services to order one or to discuss any of Sugatsune’s products, they’re a friendly and informative team.